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10 tips for spending your Scotland Loves Local Gift Card

“I think it helped people to feel normal, to feel looked after, and boosted their mental health”

May Day Holiday and Coronation Celebrations

Scotland Loves Local goes digital: £250,000 boost to gift card initiative.

Being a part of the Aberdeen Gift Card has been absolutely brilliant for our business.

‘A pet is part of the family and people have appreciated being able to use their card to stock up on their pet’s regular food’

‘What’s nice is that we’re getting lots of new faces through the door, and lots of younger people using the shop’

£1.33 million being invested on the Scotland Loves Local Aberdeenshire Gift Card to support households

‘The Scotland Loves Local Gift Card demonstrates hope for the future of our Scottish towns and cities’

“Families can use their Fife Gift Card on something that they want, or something that they need”

Aberdeen Gift Card supports struggling households

Argyll and Bute businesses braced for New Year spending boom