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The added benefit of using a local gift card like the Glasgow Gift Card is that it’s supporting the local economy too

Chan’s is one of the largest Chinese supermarkets/cash and carry wholesalers in Glasgow. Henry Chan is the Managing Director of Chan’s and explained how and why they used the Glasgow Gift Card as a staff appreciation gift:

Please tell us about Chan’s

“Chan’s is a family business which was set up in 1985 by my parents and is now run by my sister and myself. We buy and import an extensive range of Oriental foods and catering supplies from all over the Far East, which we sell in our shop and deliver throughout Scotland.”

How have you used the Glasgow Gift Card?

“In summer 2023, we wanted to celebrate Chan’s 38th birthday and also thank staff for their hard work over recent years. Chan’s has been open right through the pandemic, and the business is performing well, so the idea was to give staff a gift card as an added incentive and reward. I did a Google search and came up with the Glasgow Gift Card. Each of our 43 staff received a £50 Glasgow Gift Card.”

Why did you choose the Glasgow Gift Card?

“We tend to use gift cards for staff rewards and incentives because staff get the full value of the reward, as opposed to cash, which gets taxed. In the past, we’ve given staff a Morrison’s voucher but the feedback we had from staff about the Morrison’s voucher was that they maybe didn’t shop at that store. What appealed to us about the Glasgow Gift Card is that it can be used across a range of businesses and sectors, so we’re catering for all staff. Everyone has different buying preferences. At Chan’s for example, we have staff of different ages and nationalities, so the Glasgow Gift Card is a flexible reward they can use in a way that suits them.

“We liked the fact that the Glasgow Gift Card could be used with national retailers as well as with local independent businesses. Chan’s supplies a number of restaurants, and hospitality is a sector that has been particularly affected by the pandemic. Choosing the card was a way that we could also show our support for the community, across a range of sectors.”

What was your experience of using the Glasgow Gift Card?

“It was very simple to order the Glasgow Gift Card online. Once they arrived, we let Miconex know and the cards were then unlocked ready to gift to staff. This was reassuring. The feedback we’ve had from staff has been positive. A lot of staff used their Glasgow Gift Card to treat their families to a meal out. The cost of living crisis means that people are cutting back on eating out, so giving the gift card was a way of us supporting the industry, and also giving staff the means to have a treat or buy something else that they wanted or needed.”

Why should organisations be thinking local with their rewards and incentives?

“Employee needs have changed a lot over recent years. It’s not always possible for organisations to put up wages for their staff but if a business is doing well, then it’s a positive thing to reward staff and show appreciation. The added benefit of using a local gift card like the Glasgow Gift Card is that it’s supporting the local economy too.”

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